Some evenings after a week at the office a girl needs a chance to kick back and unwind. One of my most fav ways to relax is by pouring a glass of white wine, curling up in my big chair, and reading fashion magazines. By doing this I get updated on the latest fashion and make up trends but also relieve stress which always enhances a girls beauty. As Audrey Hepburn once said "Happy girls are the prettiest girls..." In order to stay happy you must have an outlet to relieve your stress.
A moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips is what they say. But what girl doesn't love food? And when times come tough I always find those are the times I'm reaching for the sweets to bring me comfort. Women who take the time to relax have reduced cortisol levels. High cortisol levels increases apatite and junk food cravings. Don't be too hard on yourself though sometimes a girl needs a hunk of chocolate or a big slice of pizza to get her through, just don't reach for them every day.
Stress also increases the amount of oil your skin produces and clogs pores. This can lead to acne and breakouts. Then the skin break outs stress you out, so they get worse. So stop the cycle before it starts and take the time to relax.
Be good to yourself, you deserve it!