Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

It's so easy feed off of the negative self talk we hear in our heads, "You're not pretty enough..." "You're not skinny enough..." Blah Blah Blah! Every girl has these kind of moments and it's at those times it's important to remember no matter how much make up we put on, how much weight we lose, ect, ect! There is always going to be a critic, and sometimes the worse critic of them all is ourselves. Beauty is interpreted differently for everyone and is perceived differently even in different cultures.

In Thailand women wear brass rings around their necks in order to elongate their necks. A long neck is considered beautiful and elegant for women who belong to the Kayan Tribe. 

Mauritanian women eat up to 15,000 calories a day to gain weight making them more desirable as a wife and mother. A large women is perceived as a status symbol in their culture.

Women of Ethiopia insert large clay plates in their lower lips stretching them out, this ritual in their culture symbolizes beauty and maturity.

Here in the US women have the pressure of having to be a nearly impossible size 2 in order to meet our cultures standard of beauty. 

Everyone everywhere has their own standard of beauty, stop with the self loathing trying to meet society's standards, meet your own standards and rock your best self!

1 comment:

  1. It's like One Direction said, "you don't know you're beautiful!" :)
