Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Back to Beauty Basics

There are 2 vital beauty treatments everyone must include in their beauty routine in order to stay beautiful. The best part about them is that there free! Water & Sleep!

Water keeps your skin hydrated and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Dehydrated skin loses it's elasticity and can begin to sag. Water also eradicates dark under eye circles and sunken eyes, so drink up ladies! And how much is just enough to keep yourself hydrated and fabulous? Don't doctors say at least 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water a day? Yes! That's what's recommended but everything we drink does go towards that minimum so don't panic if everything you drink isn't water, but water is the best choice!

And who doesn't love their beauty sleep?! Don't skimp yourself on the sleep, it's scientifically proven that people who get enough sleep at night appear more attractive than those who are sleep deprived. Not getting enough sleep changes your hormones and metabolism causing you to age quicker! Yikes! Generally 7-9 hours per night is the recommended amount of sleep an adult should get in order to be refreshed, rejuvenated  and ready to go the next day!

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